Women all over the world are entering new territory as attitudes towards ageing and gender equality shift and evolve. The generational gaps of old are also disappearing. Women in their 40s are now openly engaging in discussions, alongside women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond, about everything including finances, mindset, and intimacy. The sisterhood is uniting to explore the challenges, changes and the new horizons we face today.
Woman do have respect and support
One of the most beautiful qualities women possess is the ease with which we can share and care. We’re naturals at being there for each other and we know how to have fun in the process. We thrive when we feel supported and understood, regardless of our age. When we’re given the opportunity to air our concerns, confront our fears, and be encouraged and inspired to dig deeper, to find an extra bucket of courage, we’re uplifted and enabled to flourish.
Navigating life’s ups and downs
Life can be surprising, especially when we’re not looking. A curve ball can come your way at any time. Sounds a little dramatic, but it’s reality. It might be an unexpected financial problem, work changes, a health issue, relationship breakdown or family troubles. All of a sudden you’re in unnavigated territory. How you deal with whatever happens is key, and there’s a sisterhood of women here for you.
Reclaim the real you and your north star
Having a career or job you love is fantastic. You get to use your skills and talents, make a difference or do what you enjoy. You could be a stay-at-home mum or grandma and be absolutely loving it. Maybe you’re a salesperson, a lawyer, a CEO, a nurse, a whatever, but remember none of those titles define you. If circumstances change and you no longer have that job or title, it can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You’re left wondering who am I? What do I want to do? It’s your story so rework your script. Treat it as an opportunity to discover the whole person you are underneath any title.
Coping with unexpected health issues
Do you take your health for granted? Lots of us do. We cruise along doing what we want, eating what we want, enjoying life and then boom! A problem comes out of nowhere or maybe it’s a health concern you’ve turned a blind eye to, and now it’s serious. Or menopause kicks in, big time. Conversations with understanding female friends can make a world of difference and help you navigate a path through.
Getting past relationship or family dramas
You might think your relationship is solid and will last the distance, but it takes two people to make one work and you can’t control anyone else. It’s also easy to get lost in your workload and/or family matters, and let a relationship drift apart, whether it’s with your intimate other or a family member. If a relationship hits a rocky road, or you’re faced with the sudden loss of a partner it really hurts. It can leave you feeling raw and completely alone. Thankfully time heals, and being a part of a supportive community can also be a life saver.
Building muscles you didn’t know needed
Everyone’s story is made up of a unique tapestry of their experiences and beliefs. Right now you might be flying high in your career, thanks to a healthy self-belief or you might be cruising in the background, yet to find your wings. Much of our early conditioning lies tucked away below the surface and we’re often unaware of what’s driving our story. That is, until shit happens, and you decide to dig them out. When life throws that curve ball it’s an opportunity to get curious about your inner world and find new ways to create the life you want.
Everyone is different, and equal
If you grew up with inspiring role models, and supportive parents who instilled in you an ‘I’ve got this’ attitude, you may be ahead of the game in many areas of your life, but there can still come a time when you need support, such as a health issue, caring for an elderly parent or the loss of a loved one. On the other hand if you grew up in an unsupportive environment the chances are your self-esteem is low and at times you may need support with relationships (inner and outer) or with your finances or legal rights. Help is available through the sisterhood of women.
Ageism is an attitude we can rise above
Above and beyond the normal issues women experience, ageist and chauvinistic attitudes still exist. There’s still pressure on women to disguise their age, but we do have a choice. Women often have to work harder and longer and in the process we can end up sacrificing certain aspects of our lives. Time for leisure and pleasure can be diminished. A community of women can be a source of inspiration, guidance and delightful distraction.
Quality of life is an inside and an outside job
Next time you see a woman who appears to have it all, that is, has a fabulous relationship and a beautiful home, be kind, because looks are deceiving. A woman might have perfect bone structure, a great body and gorgeous hair, but you’re only seeing what’s on the surface. If she’s glowing that’s another story, but some of the most beautiful women in the world are plagued with self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. Their perceived worth can be about their looks, not who they are as a person. Every woman needs a good friend.
Age is irrelevant. Every woman matters
Regardless of whether you’re working or not, a business owner or an empty nester, there may be times when you need inspiration, seek connection, aspire to learn a new skill, or need support and clarity. We’re blooming to support you! We also invite you to share and give back to your community by contributing your wisdom and knowledge.
Let’s be role models for each other. Women in Bloom is a platform for empowering and liberating discussions. The WIB mission is to be the go-to destination for each and every one of you as you age courageously.
Love You. Love Life.