Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom Home page - a collage of women's pictures

Welcome to Women in Bloom

WIB is here to support and encourage all women, now and for generations to come; to embrace ageing as a positive and powerful journey. Through our podcasts, blogs, workshops and events, we provide a range of valuable resources aimed at empowering you to truly blossom in your own unique way. We’re also advocating for businesses and communities to see and hear you. If you’d like to learn about a topic that we haven’t covered, please let us know.

From Annie, Alexis and Caroline, welcome!

Love You. Love Life.

Annie Millar
Alexis Matthews-Frederick
Caroline Woodman
The Power of Lipstick

The Power of Lipstick

Lipstick is more than just a cosmetic. One swipe and you can suddenly feel like you’re a different person. Well, that’s a little extreme, but I certainly feel uplifted when I...

The Sisterhood of Women is United

The Sisterhood of Women is United

Women all over the world are entering new territory as attitudes towards ageing and gender equality shift and evolve. The generational gaps of old are also disappearing. Women in their 40s are now openly engaging in discussions, alongside women in their 50s, 60s, 70s...


Sole Obsession – My Fascination with Footwear

Sole Obsession – My Fascination with Footwear

Handbags? I’ll pick one that I think matches my outfit, I don’t really care.  Makeup? Show me some tips and I’ll be grateful! Clothes? I like to look nice, and feel comfortable, and that’s about it. But shoes? Now we’re talking! The humble shoe, an essential part of...

Tips for Accessorising Like a Pro

Tips for Accessorising Like a Pro

Accessories are like the icing on a cake to an outfit. They can take a plain dress or top and bottom and give it charm and personality. The results can be as big and bold or as subtle and demure as you like. And no doubt there'll be times when you just want to be free...

The Ageing Woman’s Guide to Style

The Ageing Woman’s Guide to Style

When Women in Bloom Founder and Co-Director Annie Millar asked me to write about style, I was a bit perplexed to be honest. Me? Style? I’m a chuck some jeans and a t-shirt on with comfy shoes, type of girl. In my mind, style and I barely have a passing acquaintance....




Give Yourself a Self-Esteem Boost

Give Yourself a Self-Esteem Boost

  Having a healthy self-esteem can improve your quality of life in many ways including your motivation, relationships, wellbeing, and mental health. The aim is to strike a balance, one that’s not too high and not too low, as they can both be problematic. So how...


Women in Bloom


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