Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom

A Year in Reflection – Ageing Courageously with the Women in Bloom Directors

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Relationships

Reading time: 9 minutes

The Women in Bloom story

Women in Bloom (WIB) started in 2019, in Sydney. I held an event for women over 45 because I believed it had to be done. Women needed a chance to come together, learn valuable life skills, self-care skills, be inspired to age courageously and so much more. Then, after a move to the Gold Coast in 2021 I worked with the fabulous Michelle (MJ) Brodie, from Atlas Events. We held two successful events in 2022 and 2023 and every time the attendees asked for more.

Annie’s WIB journey

Now, it’s been one year since Alexis Matthews-Frederick and Caroline Woodman joined me on the WIB team. What a fabulous ride it’s been! Working with these open hearted, kind, wonderful women has been such a blessing. I’m so excited about what we’re doing and where we’re going.

Women supporting women

Besides the challenges of building a new business, this year I’ve had a few personal challenges too. However, the timing was perfect (thanks universe), and I’ve been reminded that I too can rise above my struggles (it can be so much easier to help others than ourselves) and feel gratitude. I share this, because while working closely with Alexis and Caroline I’ve had the opportunity to directly experience the life changing benefits of having the support of other women. I’m now ageing courageously.

Caroline, Alexis and Annie in the QT Hotel for the Gold Coast Charity Lunch event.

Women excel at being there for each other and offering support


The power of connection

What I’d also like to highlight is that when we did have conversations about each other’s circumstances (everyone has stuff going on), there was never any blaming or shaming, only honest feedback and support. The focus was on what we can do for ourselves (and each other), how we need to love and value ourselves first, and how we can build our inner resilience, regardless of what is happening around us. And you’re never too old; I’m 67 and still learning.

Connection Rocks

The past year has really shown me how being a part of a community (whether it’s in person or not), where you feel safe (mentally and emotionally), where you can bare your heart and soul without judgement, while being encouraged and inspired, makes life so much sweeter. In many ways it’s even better than relying on well-meaning friends for guidance.

Women support women

Also, being part of a like-minded community gives you an opportunity (anonymously if preferred), to learn and grow in ways that resonate for you, to ask the questions you long to find answers for, and to feel connected to people who really see and hear you. A support network happy to cheer you on (and you them), who can inspire you as you take on whatever life throws your way, and enables you to thrive. That’s what the WIB community is all about.

Annie, Caroline and Alexis enjoying a coffee at the Naturally Good Expo in Sydney.

Taking the time to check in with each other has helped us pave the way for the best outcomes


Ageing courageously

The WIB team have built an open, caring friendship, which is pretty special, seeing that we’re at different stages of life (40s, 50s and 60s) with different cultural backgrounds. We’ve all grown as we’ve encouraged (occasionally pushed) each other to step out of our comfort zones and develop new skills. There’s times when we’ve all lost it and felt overwhelmed, knowing it was ok to be authentic. Old mindsets and beliefs have been challenged, and as a result I can say with confidence we all feel stronger thanks to the experience.

Blossoming women

Creating WIB has and continues to be an exciting and beautiful journey, and it’s only just beginning. We’re here to celebrate all women and cheer you on. In the meantime, I encourage you to take the time to dig your own garden (to go within and reconnect with your true self), uproot the weeds (limiting beliefs and negative mindsets etc), top up your soil with fertiliser (life skills, self-love, resources and knowledge) and embrace ageing as the gift and privilege it is.

Alexis, Caroline and Annie enjoying a glass of wine together.

We support each other and help each other dig deep within ourselves when the going gets tough


Caroline’s WIB journey

I can’t believe it’s been a year already! When I was approached to meet with Annie and Alexis to discuss being a part of Women in Bloom, I was really excited. I had already been to a Women in Bloom event on the Gold Coast and was inspired by the presenters and the overall message Annie wanted to convey. That message? To age courageously! To approach this stage of our lives with excitement – not misgivings and trepidation.

Life is what we make it

As some of you would know, starting a business isn’t easy; it’s a huge learning curve. Moreover, what you learn on paper only accounts for a portion of what matters. Mindset is just as vital a quality to have when you’re growing a business. One of the biggest things I’ve learned this past year is that without passion and resilience for those tough days, you may as well pick up your ball and go home. I see passion and resilience in Annie and Alexis on a daily basis, and they inspire me. We’ve all had a wobble or two as Annie has mentioned, but we support each other and help each other dig deep within ourselves when the going gets tough. I love that – because doing it for each other shows our Bloom Community that we will do the same for them too.

Being self-empowered

I’ve also learned this year that despite my age, I am capable of learning new things – specifically, new software, new technology and new processes. With these skills I can actually contribute meaningfully to the Women in Bloom team and our output. What used to be a daunting prospect is now something I look forward to. Sharing my newfound knowledge with my team empowers them too. A year ago, if someone would have asked us to create a reel on our phones, edit a video in Canva, or schedule a week’s worth of social media across multiple platforms, it would have been a terrifying prospect. These days, it’s finding the time to fit it all in that’s the hard part!

I am looking forward to the coming years with Annie and Alexis – and our Bloom Community. There’s a lot of fun, learning and experiences heading our way – and I can’t wait!

Annie, Caroline and Alexis at the Logan Chamber of Commerce function.

Age is no barrier. We represent the 40s, 50s and 60s and are learning so much from each other!


Alexis’ WIB journey

Holy moly it’s been a year! I can’t believe it’s been a year with Women in Bloom already?! And what a year It has been! Being a part of Women in Bloom has been an incredible and fulfilling experience, though it did have its fair share of challenges. Over the course of the year, I have grown so much!

Every day is a new opportunity

I’ve had to look at myself from all angles, which can be daunting. For those who know me you would know that I am, in essence, an introvert. I am very quiet about what I do and how I go about doing it. I love my personal time with my family and my moments of solitude really energises me! However, I found in the last year, taking on extra projects and collaborations – Women in Bloom being one of them – these moments of solitude have been fewer, to make space for these wonderful opportunities.

WIB Directors, Annie, Caroline and Alexis enjoying a coffee at Devon Pixies.

Building a business takes a huge amount of time and effort, but when it’s done with passion and commitment it’s also exciting



There are times that I have questioned my decisions, but what business owner hasn’t? Upon reflection, I know without adversity and challenges, how do we grow? It’s like building muscles. You need to do strength training over a period of time to see results. It hurts a little at first, but then it becomes something you look forward to. Because you know that all of the trials you face, become the fabric of who you are and strengthens your character.

Being grateful is a choice

That’s why I am so grateful for the past year we have had together as Women in Bloom (Annie, Caroline and myself). It has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but throughout the year these wonderful women have grown and inspired me so much on this journey! I am so glad that I get to collaborate with these amazing women, and I can’t wait to see what our future brings.

I’ve come into my own

Now, remember how I said I am an introvert? Well, that’s completely changed! I’ve come into my own, with the support of the Women in Bloom directors. I am now doing social media posts, podcasts, interviews and even being a keynote speaker at events. Not something that I had on my vision board (LOL). This goes to show, you can grow and evolve in unexpected ways!

WIB Directors Alexis, Caroline and Annie at their podcast recording.

Our aim for the WIB community is to be a guiding light for the younger generations of women, to help them see ageing is a powerful and positive journey


This year at Women in Bloom we have achieved so much, from starting our podcast, to finalising our new website and creating/establishing our very own Blossom Club events!

We are succeeding in our mission to celebrate and empower all women! Our aim for the WIB community is to be a guiding light for younger generations of women, to help them see ageing is a powerful and positive journey. Let’s all age courageously!

I look forward to the year ahead, but be prepared blossoms, because this is just the beginning…

Love you. Love Live. 

Annie Millar

Annie Millar

Annie Millar, the Women in Bloom concept creator, is a beauty expert with 40+ years of experience in the beauty industry. Annie is passionate about empowering ageing women with the necessary beauty and self-care skills which will enable them to feel good about themselves inside and out, age courageously, live their best life, and become the inspiring role models younger women of today need.

Women in Bloom


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