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Women in Bloom

Everyone Needs Estate Planning… Not Just the Super Wealthy!

by | Jun 8, 2024 | Legal Matters, Life

Reading time: 5 minutes

Estate planning might sound like something only the super-rich or seniors need to worry about, but that’s a big misconception, and ignoring it can actually cause a lot of headaches down the road. Estate planning isn’t just about divvying up your stuff after you’re gone; it’s about making sure your wishes are followed, your loved ones are looked after, and your legacy stays intact. Estate planning is something everyone should think about, no matter how old you are, or how much money you have in the bank.

Assets: why you need to protect them

One big reason to get on board with estate planning is to protect your stuff. Without a good plan, your assets could end up stuck in lengthy probate processes. Moreover, you could be slapped with hefty taxes, or even cause family squabbles. When you put together a solid estate plan, you can dodge these pitfalls. This often means setting up trusts. These help manage and safeguard your assets while you’re alive and after you’re gone. Trusts keep your wealth safe from creditors and lawsuits, and ensure it’s there for future generations. Want more details? Check out this Forbes article on protecting your assets.

Ensuring your wishes are honoured

Estate planning is all about making sure your wishes are crystal clear and legally binding. This is super important for things like who gets your stuff, making healthcare decisions, and appointing guardians for your kids if they’re still minors. A well-written will is a key part of any estate plan. It spells out who gets what, who will manage your estate, and how everything should be handled after you’re gone. But it’s not just about the will; healthcare directives and powers of attorney are also crucial. These documents ensure that your medical and financial preferences are followed if you can’t make decisions for yourself.

Minimising estate taxes

A good estate plan can really help cut down the taxes on your estate. Without proper planning, your heirs might end up paying a lot in estate taxes, which can seriously shrink what you leave behind. You can use smart strategies like gifting assets while you’re still alive, setting up irrevocable trusts, and taking advantage of estate tax exemptions to keep these taxes as low as possible. By planning ahead, you can make sure more of your wealth goes to your loved ones.

Avoiding probate

Probate is the legal process of validating a will and distributing a deceased person’s assets, and it can be slow, costly, and very public. One of the biggest perks of estate planning is that you can avoid probate altogether. By setting up trusts and naming beneficiaries on your accounts, you can skip the probate process, making the transfer of your assets quicker and more private for those mentioned in your will.

Providing for your loved ones

Estate planning is your chance to take care of your loved ones in a thoughtful and organised way. You can make sure your children, special-needs dependents and elderly parents, are provided for exactly how you want. By setting up trusts and other arrangements, you can ensure they get the support they need. For example, special needs trusts can provide financial support to a disabled dependent without messing up their eligibility for government benefits. It’s all about making sure your family is taken care of, just the way you want.

You should estate plan, not just for yourself but for your loved ones as well.

You should estate plan, not just for yourself but for your loved ones as well

Plan B… planning for incapacity

Estate planning isn’t just about what happens after you’re gone. It’s also about managing your affairs if you can’t make decisions for yourself. Healthcare directives, like living wills and medical powers of attorney, let you spell out your healthcare preferences. Also, they choose someone to make medical decisions for you. Similarly, an enduring power of attorney for finances lets you pick someone to handle your money matters if you’re unable to do so. These documents make sure your wishes are followed and help prevent family conflicts.

Business succession planning

For business owners at all levels, estate planning also means setting up a succession plan to make sure your business transitions smoothly. This involves choosing a successor, setting up buy-sell agreements, and figuring out how ownership will be transferred. Further, a solid business succession plan helps keep your business running smoothly, protects its value, and ensures your family’s financial security.

Charitable giving

Including charitable giving into your estate plan is a great way to support causes you care about and get some tax benefits too. Whether you decide to make direct donations, set up charitable trusts, or create donor-advised funds, there are lots of ways to include philanthropy in your plan. As well, charitable giving can help lower the taxable value of your estate, which benefits your heirs as well. Take note cat lovers!

It’s like your wardrobe

Like styling  your wardrobe, estate planning isn’t something you do just once. It needs regular check-ins and updates to keep up with changes in your life and the law. Big life events like getting married, getting divorced, having a child, or losing a beneficiary mean it’s time to revise your plan. By keeping your estate plan up to date, you make sure it still reflects your current wishes and circumstances. For more information, click here.

Being organised and prepared with estate planning is essential for peace of mind and financial security. It helps protect your assets, makes sure your wishes are followed, minimises taxes, and takes care of your loved ones. Whether you’re just starting out or enjoying your golden years, it’s never too early or too late to start estate planning. By taking steps now, you can protect your legacy and provide for the future of those you care about. And that includes those cats ….sorry dog people!

Love You. Love Life.

Plan your estate now!

Plan your estate now!

Alexis Matthews-Frederick

Alexis Matthews-Frederick

Alexis Matthews-Frederick is a Vietnamese-Australian entrepreneur with companies in retail, education & training, finance, beauty, health and nutrition. Alexis has a keen interest in Health & Wellbeing, and her success lies in encouraging individuals and diverse groups to work together for common goals.

Women in Bloom


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