Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom

The Magic and Power of Perfume

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Accessories, Style

Reading time: 6 minutes

What makes perfume so alluring?

I love perfume. I have about six bottles of it, with two main ‘go-tos’ I wear on a more regular basis.  I was running late the other day and almost made it out of the house when I realised that I wasn’t wearing any perfume. I may as well have forgotten my knickers. What is it about perfume that’s so… alluring?

Putting it simply, a good perfume (emphasis on the good – not the cheap, alcohol-laden knockoffs) acts as a gateway that unlocks your emotions and memories. Moreover, it’s a confidence booster too!

What happens when we smell perfume?

The magic and power of perfume comes from its ability to interact with your brain, specifically the amygdala. This small, almond-shaped emotional centre of the brain connects scent with feelings and memories. So, when you inhale your signature fragrance, it’s not just about smelling good—it’s about how it makes you feel.

In layman’s terms, the moment you inhale a fragrance, the scent molecules travel up your nasal passage, where they encounter olfactory receptors located in the lining of your nose. These receptors act like a lock, and each type of scent molecule is a key. When a match is found, a signal is sent directly to the brain.

The amygdala is responsible for emotions, and the hippocampus for memory

The amygdala is responsible for emotions, and the hippocampus for memory


This is where things get interesting. The signals travel to the olfactory bulb, which processes scent and sends it to the amygdala – responsible for emotions, and the hippocampus which handles memory.  That’s why scents are often tied so strongly to memories and feelings.

For example, when I smell Tweed, I’m immediately reminded of my Mum. If I catch a whiff of Impulse Merely Musk, I’m transported back to high school and smelling girls trying to hide the scent of a sneaky ciggie at lunch.  Your brain’s emotional and memory centres react to the scent, which creates that powerful connection between fragrance and experience. This process happens so fast that you may not even realise it, but it’s why a familiar scent can instantly transport you to another time and place.

A grey haired woman sits at a table looking thoughtful, with her head resting on her chin.

Scents are often tied strongly to memories and feelings

Perfume and your emotions

As you would know, each perfume carries its own energy. Some are calming, while others can be invigorating,  make you feel sexy or ready to conquer the world.  So, what perfume does what?

  • Relaxation: Scents with lavender, sandalwood (my favourite!), or vanilla notes can help you wind down after a stressful day. These fragrances naturally soothe the brain, and help you relax.
  • Energising: Citrus-heavy perfumes—think lemon, grapefruit, or bergamot—give you that burst of energy you need to start the day feeling fresh and motivated.
  • Confidence boost: Warm, spicy scents with musk or amber notes have a grounding effect. They can make you feel bolder, more secure, and ready to tackle anything. that comes your way.

How to choose the right perfume

With all this in mind, the next time you choose a perfume, think about how you want to feel. The right scent can give you an emotional edge, whether that’s feeling calm, energised, or confident.  This quick  guide can help.

  1. Know what you like: Do you gravitate toward florals, spicy notes, or something fresh and clean? Knowing your preference makes narrowing down options easier.
  2. Match it to the occasion: Light and airy scents work best for everyday wear, while deeper, more complex fragrances are perfect for evening events or special occasions.
  3. Test it out: Discovered a new perfume via a friend? It might smell amazing on them, but if you want it, spray it on your skin before you decide to buy it or drop a hint about your birthday present! This is because the way a scent interacts with your own body chemistry can completely change how it smells. Also, a fragrance might be too strong on a tester strip, but perfect once it blends with your skin.

It’s worth remembering to not overdo it either.  You might be used to your perfume and develop an immunity to the smell and strength of it, but others around you haven’t. Go easy!

A woman sprays her wrist with a perfume bottle.

Test perfume on your skin to decide if you like it, and it smells like you want it to.


Where to apply perfume (and where not to)

When it comes to applying perfume, pulse points are key. These are areas where your skin is warmer—like your wrists, behind the knees, and even inner elbows. The heat in those points helps the scent develop and last longer throughout the day.

Here’s something I recently learned too… avoid spraying or applying perfume directly on your neck. Perfume and UV rays don’t mix well, and the sun’s rays can react with the alcohol and ingredients in the perfume, causing damage and / or discolouration to your skin. Stick to areas less exposed to sunlight, like your inner wrists or behind your ears, for a longer-lasting, safer fragrance experience.

Make your perfume last with layering

Want your fragrance to stay with you all day? Try layering. It’s a simple trick that involves using multiple products with the same scent.

  1. Start in the shower: Use a body wash or soap that complements your perfume. This sets the base for your scent and helps it linger longer.
  2. Moisturise: Apply a lotion or body cream, ideally one with a similar or matching scent. Hydrated skin holds onto fragrance better, creating a more lasting impression. I find carrying a perfume’s matching lotion easier than packing a large bottle in my handbag when I’m going out, but the results are just as great!
  3. Finish with your perfume: Spray it onto your pulse points for a subtle, long-lasting scent.
Women’s hands holding a variety of perfume bottles and creams.

Make your perfume last with layering.


By building the scent in layers, you create a more complex, rich fragrance that sticks with you.

Perfume and you: more than just a scent

Perfume is just fabulous and the powerful connection between scent and emotion is what makes it such a key part of self-expression. A spray of your favourite perfume can give you an instant mood boost or serve as a comforting reminder of a cherished memory.

So, the next time you choose a scent, think about how it makes you feel. Whether it’s calm, energised, or confident, the right fragrance can be your secret weapon for taking on the day.

Love You. Love Life.




Caroline Woodman

Caroline Woodman

Caroline Woodman has over 30 years of experience in administration and has also worked as a radio presenter, producer and copywriter. Caroline is passionate about helping other women discover that they have what it takes to reach their dreams and goals.

Women in Bloom


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