Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom
Women in Bloom

Embracing Beauty – at Any Age

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Mind Matters, Wellness

Reading time: 8 minutes

Debated, Defined and Refined

Beauty is a topic that’s been debated, defined, and redefined for centuries. It’s subjective, fluid, and often influenced by societal norms. Also, what it means to be beautiful can differ from country to country. So how do we embrace it – at any age?

I certainly didn’t give beauty much thought when I was younger. I didn’t believe myself attractive by any stretch, and it didn’t help that someone had written ‘dog’ next to my name on the musical cast list displayed in the senior block at school. I was a sensitive soul – I still am – and from then on, beauty, in my mind, was for other women. I was ugly.

Older and wiser now (and definitely over that nasty comment!), I realise that the very topic of beauty is subjective and nuanced, particularly when it comes to ageing. So, grab a cuppa, get comfy, and discover with me how beauty and ageing intersect in our lives.

Magazines, movies, and advertisements tend not to embrace beauty at any age.

Magazines, movies, and advertisements often showcase young, wrinkle-free faces as the epitome of beauty


At what age does beauty peak?

Ah, the age-old question (pun definitely intended)! When does beauty actually peak? Society has long perpetuated the myth that beauty peaks in our twenties. Magazines, movies, and advertisements often showcase young, wrinkle-free faces as the epitome of beauty. But is that really the case?

An interesting survey…

In 2023 UK company Nord Chem surveyed 16,000 men and women from eight different countries, and asked them at what age they felt the most beautiful, with some interesting results:

  1. US women felt most beautiful at 30.6 years. US men felt most beautiful at 34.2 years of age.
  2. UK women’s responses were significantly lower than average, with a most beautiful age rating of 23.1 years of age. UK men rated slightly above average as most beautiful at the age of 33.4.
  3. Canadian women scored an average of feeling most beautiful at 31.7, with men scoring an average of 34.5.
  4. Italian women felt their most beautiful at, 23.6 years of age, and men 26.3 years of age.
  5. France was a middle of pack scorer with women just under 30 at 29.9 years of age as most beautiful, and men 30.2 years of age.
  6. Interestingly, Australia was the only country to rate women most beautiful when older than men at 28.5 years of age, with Australian men rating at 27.7 as their most beautiful age.
  7. Spain was almost bang on average when it rated women as most beautiful at 27.5 years, and men most beautiful at age 32.9.
  8. German women scored 31.8 years to be at their most beautiful and men 34.9.


Beauty is not confined to age!

Beauty is not confined to age!


Beauty is not confined to age!

But let’s be clear. In reality, beauty is not confined to a specific age. If we lived the Nord Chem survey results, the majority of us would be walking around depressed because we’re past our prime. While that’s simply not true, there are plenty of us out there that do feel despondent because we’re getting older.

While our twenties might bring a certain youthful glow, many understand that beauty evolves and matures as we age. Some may believe we are more attractive in our thirties and forties when confidence, experience, and self-awareness come into play. But life certainly doesn’t end there so then what?

Beauty isn’t just about physical appearance

Beauty is not just about physical appearance. Emotional intelligence, empathy, and kindness often enhance your attractiveness, qualities that often flourish with age. So, instead of focusing on a “peak,” it’s far more uplifting (and realistic) to see beauty as a lifelong journey.

What makes an older woman look younger?

Okay, so you want to hang on to your youthful looks while you can. I get it. I do too! So, what can help? Spoiler alert: it’s not just about expensive creams and cosmetic procedures.

Skincare is key to helping us retain a youthful glow.

Skincare is key



First things first, skincare is key. Consistent use of sunscreen, moisturizers, and products rich in antioxidants can do wonders. Retinoids and Vitamin C serums are often hailed as miracle workers for their ability to boost collagen and reduce the appearance of fine lines.


Hydration, both inside and out, is crucial. Drinking plenty of water and using hydrating skincare products helps keep the skin plump and dewy.

Healthy lifestyle

You can’t underestimate a healthy lifestyle, and I talk about it in my Belly Fat blog. Regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, and adequate sleep all contribute to a youthful glow.


A healthy lifestyle can’t be underestimated.

A healthy lifestyle can’t be underestimated


Makeup tips

Makeup can also be a game-changer. Light-reflecting foundations, a touch of blush, and well-groomed brows can instantly refresh your look. Avoid heavy powders which can settle into fine lines and instead opt for cream-based products for a more natural finish.

Hair care

Let’s not forget about hair! A modern haircut that frames the face can take years off. Regular trims, nourishing hair masks, and a colour that complements your skin tone are also important.

Ageing beautifully

Ageing beautifully isn’t just about trying to look younger; it’s about embracing the natural changes your body is going through and feeling good in your own skin. Here are some tips to help you age gracefully:

  • Embrace Self-Care

Self-care is vital. This includes everything from a good skincare routine to taking time for hobbies and relaxation. Stress can take a toll on your appearance, so finding ways to unwind is essential.

  • Stay Active

Staying active keeps both your body and mind healthy. Find an exercise you enjoy, whether it’s yoga, swimming, or dancing. Physical activity boosts your mood, energy levels, and overall health.

  • Cultivate Positivity

Cultivating a positive mindset can make a world of difference, so surround yourself with supportive people, practice gratitude, and focus on the good things in life. A happy person often radiates beauty.

Learning and trying new things keeps your mind sharp and your spirit youthful.

Learning and trying new things keeps your mind sharp and your spirit youthful


  • Continuous Learning

Keep learning and trying new things. This keeps your mind sharp and your spirit youthful. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, traveling, or reading, continuous learning keeps life exciting.

  • Style Evolution

Let your style evolve with you. Find clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable. Experiment with new looks and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

Ever-changing standards

Beauty standards are constantly changing. What’s considered beautiful today might not be in ten years. When I was a teen in the 80’s, flared pants were definitely uncool and all I wanted was more neon clothing and a spiral perm. Look where we are now! And thinking about ever changing standards, who sets them? I think this is a good time to address the elephant in the room.

Can older women be attractive?

Absolutely, positively, 100% yes! Older women can be incredibly attractive. Attraction is multifaceted and doesn’t diminish with age.

Self-assuredness is appealing, not arrogant!

Self-assuredness is appealing, not arrogant!



Confidence is a major component of attractiveness, and true liberation will be when we become more comfortable in our own skin and more confident in who we are, rather than fretting over our reflection in the mirror. Self-assuredness is appealing, not arrogant!

Wisdom and experience

Wisdom and life experience add depth to your character. An older woman who has lived through different phases of life, who has stories to tell, and lessons learned, is often intriguing and attractive.


Authenticity is irresistible, and when you are true yourself and don’t try to fit into someone else’s mould, it is incredibly attractive. So, embrace your uniqueness and let it shine!


Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine!

Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine!


Subjectivity of beauty

Remember, beauty is highly subjective. What you find beautiful, another might not. It varies across cultures, eras, and individual preferences. Understanding this helped me to heal from that horrible comment written next to my name, all those years ago back in high school. They can think what they like – it’s about them, not me.

Inner vs. outer beauty

Outer beauty might catch the eye, but inner beauty captures the heart. Therefore, qualities like kindness, intelligence, and empathy are what create a lasting impression. We all know the ‘first impressions count’ adage. We will be less inclined to remember someone’s outfit as we remember how they treated us.

Beauty starts with self-acceptance

Beauty starts with self-acceptance



Ultimately, beauty starts with self-acceptance. So, embrace your flaws and celebrate your strengths. When you feel beautiful, others will see it too – no matter how old you are.

Love You. Love Life.



Caroline Woodman

Caroline Woodman

Caroline Woodman has over 30 years of experience in administration and has also worked as a radio presenter, producer and copywriter. Caroline is passionate about helping other women discover that they have what it takes to reach their dreams and goals.

Women in Bloom


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